Get financial assistance with the help of MrMed

Money problems In the earlier days, most people used to live long, healthy lives. Other than chronic illnesses, people did not require to go to the doctor a lot. However, due to a change in lifestyle since technology became an integral part of human existence, many illnesses have become very common. Therefore, healthcare has formedContinue reading “Get financial assistance with the help of MrMed”

Career as Cardiologist in India

 Cardiology is the branch of medicine which deals with the disorders and diseases of the heart and the vascular system of the body. Cardiologists are the specialists of such cardiovascular abnormalities. Cardiologists treat diseases like congenital heart disorders, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease, and electrophysiology. Best Cardiologists in India has to study for moreContinue reading “Career as Cardiologist in India”

What is the meaning of Super speciality medicines?

 Most of us fall prey to common ailments and disorders in our daily lives. Thus, we do not think there is any shortage in our neighborhood pharmacies. However, those of us suffering from serious, chronic, or rare diseases are aware of the hassle of buying medicines. Most generic, retail, and company-based pharmaceutical stores do notContinue reading “What is the meaning of Super speciality medicines?”

What is e-pharmacy?

 E-pharmacy is basically an online medicine store where you can buy medicines and other pharmacy products from the comfort of your home. Just like you order your favorite food on Swiggy or order groceries on Grofers, you can order medicines online without any hassles. All you have to do is upload a prescription on theContinue reading “What is e-pharmacy?”

Black Fungus Epidemic India 2021: Do’s and Don’ts

 Earlier this year, In the month of May, as the delta variant of Covid-19 was affecting millions of people in India, a roar of a second epidemic started coming into rounds. It was the sound of the epidemic of Black fungus or Mucormycosis. Thousands of patients recovering from Covid-19 in India were affected by this fungal infection.Continue reading “Black Fungus Epidemic India 2021: Do’s and Don’ts”

Here is the best online Super Specialty Pharmacy in India

Why do we need a super specialty pharmacy? Do you often go to general stores, thinking you will find everything you need? And yes, most of the time you do. However, there are also some unique and uncommon items that you just cannot live without which these kinds of stores do not hold. It mayContinue reading “Here is the best online Super Specialty Pharmacy in India”

Difference Between Heart Failure and Heart Attack

 What is a heart attack? A heart attack (also known as a myocardial infarction) occurs when one or more of the heart muscles doesn’t receive enough blood. The greater the damage to the heart muscle, the longer you wait to get treatment. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the main cause of heart attack. Another causeContinue reading “Difference Between Heart Failure and Heart Attack”

What is Black fungus?

 Black fungus or, Mucormycosis is a rare fungal infection. “Mucormycosis can affect the nose, orbit, eye, or brain. It can even cause vision loss. It can also spread into the lung,” Guleria stated, noting that hospitals should have protocols for infection control. Guleria said that secondary infections (bacterial and fungal) are responsible for more deaths.Continue reading “What is Black fungus?”

Electrocardiogram (ECG): Important facts

 Electrocardiograms (ECGs or EKGs) is a machine or technology that quickly records the electric signals in our hearts. These heart signals occur whenever the heart beats, that is, on opening or closing of valves to facilitate blood circulation in the body. Electrocardiograms are done in hospitals, doctor’s chambers, and ambulances. This technology has even beenContinue reading “Electrocardiogram (ECG): Important facts”

What are platelets? What are the common platelets disorders?

 Getting back to sixth/seventh-grade biology lets’s understand what platelets are. So what are platelets? Whenever we scratch or cut ourselves, we start bleeding. After a few minutes, we see the blood drying and forming a crusty texture and over the exposed skin. This is done in order to stop the cut from bleeding out moreContinue reading “What are platelets? What are the common platelets disorders?”

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