Mucor mycosis, or black fungus, among those infected with or recovered from Covid-19 in hospitals across India, has added to the medical community’s woes. Mucor mycosis is a serious but rare fungal infection caused by a group of moulds called ‘Mucoromycetes’. Mucoromycetes live throughout the environment and is ubiquitous in nature. It can affect areasContinue reading “BLACK FUNGUS: MYTHS VS FACTS”


 A second epidemic broke out earlier this year. It was the sound of the epidemic of Black fungus or Mucormycosis. This fungal infection affected thousands of Covid-19 patients in India. This infection can lead to death at more than half the rate if left untreated. The Indian government increased surveillance as the number of cases began toContinue reading “BLACK FUNGUS EPIDEMIC INDIA 2021: DON’TS AND DO’S”

Black Fungus Epidemic India 2021: Do’s and Don’ts

 Earlier this year, In the month of May, as the delta variant of Covid-19 was affecting millions of people in India, a roar of a second epidemic started coming into rounds. It was the sound of the epidemic of Black fungus or Mucormycosis. Thousands of patients recovering from Covid-19 in India were affected by this fungal infection.Continue reading “Black Fungus Epidemic India 2021: Do’s and Don’ts”

What is Black fungus?

 Black fungus or, Mucormycosis is a rare fungal infection. “Mucormycosis can affect the nose, orbit, eye, or brain. It can even cause vision loss. It can also spread into the lung,” Guleria stated, noting that hospitals should have protocols for infection control. Guleria said that secondary infections (bacterial and fungal) are responsible for more deaths.Continue reading “What is Black fungus?”

Skin conditions: Normal vs Abnormal

Over our lifetime our skin ages with us. When we meet someone, we often observe their face and skin to determine their age. Simple signs of aging include wrinkles, decoloration, and skin loosening. Such conditions are absolutely normal as you grow older. Black spots, bruises, and moles of different kinds are normal conditions, yet symptomsContinue reading “Skin conditions: Normal vs Abnormal”

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